Teen Groups & Clubs

A picture of two girls writing at a desk with a bookshelf of books behind them and a old style green lamp next to them
Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

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If you’re a fan of books and just can’t stop talking about the last one you read, then this is the group for you. Join us as we discuss a book each month.

The next meeting is April 3 at 7pm. The book is Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

Book Babble meets on the first Thursday of every month at 7 pm in the Study Room September through May.

You can register on our Calendar of Events.

Settlers of catan board and piecesCome learn some new board and card games, or play a familiar favorite! The Nintendo Switch will also be available to play. Different games will be available each month for you to try out! Signups are required. New members are always welcome!

Gaming Club meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7pm in the Study Room from September to May.

You can register on our Calendar of Events.

Disembodied eyes and eyebrows looking at the viewerIf you are a fan of Japanese animation, or even if you’re just curious about a new sort of storytelling, then join us for our monthly anime group.  Once a month the club meets and watches a few episodes over snacks and talks about their favorite shows. It’s a great way to explore new shows.

Anime Club meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 4pm in the Study Room from September to May.

You can register on our Calendar of Events.

Pile of paintbrushes and can of blue paint on a partially brownish pink painted drop clothCreate your own art or take home a craft! This teens arts and crafts club gives you the chance to express your creative side.

Arts & Crafts Club meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 3pm from September to May.

You can register on our Calendar of Events.

Popcorn in white and red striped boxes that say popcorn on themIf you love movies, this is the club for you! Come to watch and talk about movies. Club members will get to choose the movie during the meeting.

Movie Club will be on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 4pm in the Study Room September through May.

You can register on our Calendar of Events.

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If you have any questions feel free to e-mail Alison at nevinsteens@nevinslibrary.org or call 978-686-4080 ex. 35