The Nevins Library has a variety of different sources of eBooks/eAudiobooks.
Overdrive can keep you up-to-date with the latest in e-media and ebooks, either online or by downloading the book to read/listen offline. And with Hoopla you have access to a wide variety of eBooks and eAudiobooks to borrow with your four borrows a month.
While our reference eBooks are here for you to research subjects from history to health. Although not downloadable, you are able to read them and print from them when doing research. These books are the exact same as you would find on the shelf of the Library just in electronic format.
Search for fiction and non-fiction ebooks and audiobooks to download. Available as part of the Merrimack Valley Library Consortium.
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Reference eBooks
Nevins Non-fiction eBooks
(Methuen library card required)
Access Infobase eBooks on the following subjects:
- Career and Education
- Current issues
- Geography and Culture
- Social Issues
- Literature and Themes
- Science and Technology
- World History
Salem Press eBooks
Historical Research Decades:
- The Fifties in America
- The Sixties in America
- The Seventies in America
- “Milestone Documents in American History”
- “Milestone Documents of American Leaders”
Great Lives from History:
- The 17th Century
Great Events from History:
- The Middle Ages
Great events from History:
- The 17th Century
- Magill’s Medical Guide
- Psychology and Mental Health