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Accessibility Request Form

Accessibility Feedback Form

All patrons, visitors, and staff should feel comfortable and able to use Nevins Library facilities, services, and programs. The Library fully complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and will provide reasonable accommodations by request. The Library will also provide equitable access to library materials in accessible formats, where they exist. The Library, as part of our general customer service philosophy, will provide services to all patrons in a manner that respects the dignity, integrity, and independence of persons with disabilities and provide equal opportunities to learn about, use, and benefit from library services. The Nevins Library upholds the American Library Association’s Services to People with Disabilities: An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights.

Access to the Building

  • Accessible Parking: The Library has multiple specially designated parking spaces for handicapped accessibility.
  • Main Entrance: The Library has a ramp for access to the Main Entrance of the building, and the glass doors can be opened with a push button.

Access Within the Building

  • Elevator: The Library has an elevator to allow access to every floor. There is also a lift to access the Stage in the Great Hall.
  • Seating: The Library has seating available throughout the building for anyone to use.
  • Bathrooms: Bathrooms are located on every floor, and each one is handicapped accessible.
  • Spaces: All spaces within the library have been designed with ADA regulations in mind. Staff is available to assist if some bookstacks are too high or too low for some users to reach the material they are looking for.

Assistive Equipment

  • Public computers: Two public computers are dedicated with assistive software such as screen reading and magnification software; one in the Reference Department and the other in Youth Services.
  • Visio Book: The Library has a Visio Book, a magnification device, for in-library use.
  • Large-Key Keyboard: The Reference Department has a large-key keyboard available to use on any computer.

Accessible Formats/Materials

  • Digital Collections: The Library provides access to downloadable eBooks, eAudiobooks, and eMagazines, and access to stream movies, and music.
  • Large Print: The Library maintains a collection of fiction and nonfiction books in Large Print.
  • Audiobooks: The Library maintains a collection of audiobooks in different genres and for all ages

Additional Accessible Services

  • Curbside/Home Delivery: Patrons may request curbside delivery of their library items during library hours. Patrons unable to travel to the library may request home delivery of library items via a volunteer. Please contact the Main Desk for assistance in requesting home delivery.
  • Proxy Borrowing: Patrons unable to travel to the library may give permission for another person to pick up their library items. This can be done by either giving the pick-up person their library card to use, or by calling or emailing the library ahead of time with the pick-up person’s name and approximate arrival time.
  • Perkins Braille & Talking Book Library: Librarians are available to provide information and assistance with accessing resources provided by Perkins.
  • Worcester Talking Book Library: Librarians are able to provide information and assistance with accessing resources provided by Worcester Talking Book Library.

Service Animals

Service animals may accompany people with disabilities in every public area of the library. According to the ADA service animals are defined as “dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities.” A service animal must always remain under the control of its handler. A patron with a disability will not be asked to remove the service animal from the building unless:

  • The dog is out of control and the handler does not take effective action to control it
  • The dog is not housebroken.

If it is not obvious what service an animal provides, Library staff can only ask two questions:

  • Is the dog a service animal required because of disability?
  • What work or task has the dog been trained to perform?

For more information about the ADA, visit ADA.gov or call the ADA Information Line 800-514-0301 (voice) 833-610-1264 (TTY). The ADA’s guidance on Service Animals may also be found here.

Service Interruptions

Library services do become interrupted on occasion. Sometimes the event is scheduled with advanced notice, such as building maintenance; often it can be a sudden uncontrolled event, such as a long power outage. In either case, the Library will notify all patrons through the website, social media channels, and any other appropriate messaging format for that moment. These will also be updated as information becomes available. In the event that smaller interruptions occur, such as a patron’s home delivery is delayed, the Library will contact the affected patrons directly in the communication method previously established as preferred.

Requesting Accommodations for Library Events

Patrons may request accommodations for library events in any of the following ways:

  • Email the staff contact for the program as indicated on the event listing in the calendar of events
  • Call the library to speak with the staff contact for the program
  • Fill out an Accommodation Request form from any public desk. The staff at the desk will forward your request to the appropriate staff person.
  • Fill out the Accommodation Request form on our website.

Please make your request at least two weeks before the scheduled event for American Sign Language Interpretation services. This will allow staff the best opportunity to secure an interpreter for the event. You will receive a response from staff within 3 business days.

Smaller accommodation requests (ie: seating requests, power outlets, etc) may be made closer to the event and staff will do their best to fulfill those accommodation requests as well.

Requests for interpretation for other languages may also be made through any of the above methods. However, other language interpretation is not covered by ADA and will not be automatically approved and acted upon. These requests are still important to fulfill as equity and inclusion in our library services is important to the Library and will be accommodated to the best of our ability based on the following factors:

  • Language requested
  • Availability of Interpreters
  • Program requested
  • Program frequency
  • Number of simultaneous requests for a particular program
  • Financial constraints

Feedback from Patrons

The Library welcomes continuous feedback from persons with disabilities on the accessibility of its materials, services, programs, and facilities. The Library will accept feedback in a variety of accessible manners, including phone, email, and its online accessibility feedback form.

Full Policy PDF

The Nevins Library occasionally offers space to community artists and collectors whose body of work is within the mission statement of the library. The Nevins Library reserves the right to remove any pieces that are deemed outside of this scope. Acceptance of an exhibit does not imply Library endorsement. Artists/owners should contact either the Head of Technical & Administrative Services or the Head of Youth Services to inquire about displaying their artwork or collection. The Library will designate an employee to coordinate set up, reception and removal times of the display with other departments responsible for meeting room scheduling and building maintenance. Meeting spaces at the Library book quickly; therefore, we cannot guarantee space will be available. Exhibits may be scheduled for 2-4 weeks’ maximum. A sign with the name of the organization or individual responsible for the display is recommended. Commercial displays, prices, or sales advertising are not permitted.

The Nevins Library has these areas available for displaying artwork, crafts or collections:

  • The Great Hall located on the Upper Floor of the Library
  • A stationary device suitable for displaying two-dimensional framed artwork in the public areas of the Library
  • Free Standing display units can be arranged throughout the public areas of the building if provided by the artist.
  • Displays may be put on walls, endcaps or tops of stacks and bookshelves.
  • The Library also offers two display cases suitable for displaying three-dimensional items
    • Display Cabinet in the Children’s Room
    • Large Case located on the Main Level

Art Reception
When artists wish to host an opening reception, they may use the established Library meeting room scheduling process. Responsibility for signage, refreshments, set up, and clean-up of a reception rests with the artist, not with the library staff. Beverages served at artist receptions must be non-alcoholic and non-staining. Food consumption is restricted to the exhibit area. Business cards or contact information for the artist may be left near the display during the length of the show. The Nevins Library receives no commission for any artwork sold.

School Artwork Display Case Exhibitions
Small displays from school classrooms and area preschool classrooms may be shown within the Children’s Room for 2-4 weeks. Materials may be displayed on the top shelf of the tall book stacks, selected areas on top of lower book stacks, in the display cabinet, on the end stacks and on wooden columns. The specific areas to be used for each display will be determined by a meeting with the Head of Youth Services and the representative from the school. The school staff is responsible for setting up and taking down the pieces of art used in the display. Only tape approved by the Library may be used to hang the pieces of art on the walls, columns and book shelves. The Library is not responsible for any damage to or loss of artwork during the exhibition. A sign with the name of the organization or individual responsible for the display is recommended.

Display Case Exhibitions
Individual collections of interest to the public are routinely placed on exhibit within the locked and lit display cases located on the Main Floor and in the Children’s Room. For the Main Floor case, a meeting with the Head of Technical & Administrative Services will be recommended. For displays in the Children’s Room, the Head of Youth Services or designee will meet with the interested child or adult requesting a showing of a collection. The glass display shelves are fixed to accommodate a variety of heights in collections. The exhibit space is generally limited to a calendar month, so there may be a wait to exhibit the collection. The owner of the collection is responsible for setting up and taking down items on display. Exhibitors may use small tent cards to identify items on display and to indicate the title for the collection with their name (optional). The library is not responsible for any damage to or loss of artwork or collection items during the exhibition.

Display Content
The Nevins Library reserves the absolute right to decide whether artwork or items on display are appropriate for the Library setting, and if they support the mission of the Library.

Full Policy PDF

All Methuen residents are eligible to receive a free Nevins Library card. There are two ways to register for a library card:

  • In person, at the Nevins Library, with current photo ID and proof of Methuen address
    • Children 12 years of age and younger will need a parent or legal guardian present with this identification
    • In person library card registration may be completed at either the Main Desk or at the Youth Services Desk. Families are encouraged to visit the Youth Services Desk.
  • Online through the self-registration process which will verify their address. Online registration may also be completed at the library if preferred.

This library card allows the holder full use of the Nevins Library and all libraries within the Merrimack Valley Library Consortium (MVLC). Some resources at other MVLC libraries may not be available to Nevins Library card holders. This library card must be renewed every three years from the date of issue.

Residents of other Massachusetts towns wishing to register for their first library card at Nevins Library also have the same registration options as above. When registering online, they will receive a library card number associated with the hometown library, if the hometown library is a member of the MVLC consortium. If their hometown is not a member of MVLC, or if registering without photo ID and proof of address, they will receive a MVLC library card. A MVLC library card allows access to only MVLC online resources, and must be renewed every year from the date of issue.

It is the patron’s responsibility to notify the library of any changes to their address, phone number, or other contact information.

Out of state residents may register for a MVLC library card at Nevins Library if they meet one of the following requirements:

  • Work in Massachusetts
  • Own property in Massachusetts

Out of state residents must register for the library card in person, with sufficient documentation that one of the above requirements has been met. These MVLC library cards must be renewed each year from the date of issue.

Even without a library card, everyone is invited and encouraged to enjoy the building and feel free to use the materials found within. Public computers are also available for use with a guest pass available at the appropriate Public Service Desk.

Institution library cards are available for such non-profit entities that are located within Methuen. In all cases, a person who is responsible for all materials borrowed with that group or institution card must be expressly identified on that card. In cases where multiple staff members have permission from the institution to use the card, the library will need a list of approved staff members on letterhead from the institution on file. The approved staff will then need to show identification each time the library card is used. The library may, with the institution’s agreement, keep the institution’s card on file at the Main Desk of the library for ease of their use. In cases where the minor or special needs resident of a community institution (not staff) would like to be issued individual library cards, the institution will need to provide a letter of permission for the resident and accept ultimate responsibility for the materials borrowed with the library card.

For all library cards, the person to whom the card is issued will be responsible for all materials borrowed with that card, including replacement costs for lost items and any collection fees that are charged. The parent or legal guardian who obtained a card for a minor, in a minor’s name, will be responsible for all materials borrowed on the minor’s card, including replacement costs and collection fees, until that minor is 18 years of age. The library does not recommend allowing others to use your library card for this reason. There is a $2 fee for the replacement of a lost library card. Library cards, or the digital library card barcode on your device, must be presented to borrow materials. In temporary situations, a photo ID might be used to borrow materials but staff cannot guarantee this action will be possible. Staff is always willing to place selected items on the hold shelf for up to one week for the patron to return with their library card.

Patron Online Account

Every library card holder has the ability to access their account online through any secure internet connection. Both a Nevins Library account and a MVLC library account may be accessed through the Nevins Library website, and will require the library card number and a PIN for identification. A default PIN is given to the cardholder upon initial registration, but can be reset to a new default by library staff. Through the online account, the patron has the ability to change their PIN, indicate their preferred name and pronouns, change notification preferences, check due dates, place or manage hold requests, renew items borrowed, and pay any fees or fines totaling $5 or more with a credit or debit card. Patrons may also choose to keep a personal history of items borrowed through their online account. The library does not have access to the borrowing histories of any patron, no matter if a patron chooses to enact this feature or not.

Borrowing Terms and Fines

Nevins Library does not charge late fines for most overdue materials. A processing fee could be charged for the replacement of any lost or damaged items, unless the item is replaced by the patron with an exact format copy in very good or new condition. Nevins Library engages a collection agency to assist with the return of long overdue or lost items.

Item Borrowing Period Limit Late Fine per Day
Fiction 3 Weeks None n/a
Non-Fiction 3 Weeks None n/a
Hot Title 2 Weeks 1 n/a
Magazine 3 Weeks None n/a
Audiobook 3 Weeks None n/a
Music CD 3 Weeks None n/a
DVD 1 Week None n/a
Launchpad 1 Week 3 n/a
Library of Things** 1 Week/Varies None Varies
Museum Pass** & Laptop 1 day 1 $5.00
Hotspots** 3 Weeks 1 $5.00
Express Hotspot** 1 Week 1 $5.00

**Must be 18 years old to check out a museum pass.

Patrons are able to renew most items if needed, so long as there is not a request for the item.  The library will automatically attempt to renew items for every patron approximately 3 days before the item is due.  Patrons will receive email updates of this renewal attempt.  Patrons may also renew items via their online account, via the phone, or by stopping by any information desk in the library.  Items borrowed through the Commonwealth Catalog or other mediated interlibrary loan are unable to be renewed, but do have a longer than normal borrowing period.

All borrowed materials are expected to be returned on or before their due date.  Most items can be returned in the outside Book Return receptacles at any time.  Patrons should be aware that some items will not fit into the Book Return, or are clearly marked that they are to be returned to either the Youth Services Desk or the Reference Desk.  These items will need to be returned inside the building during regular library hours.  Patrons are welcome to return materials at the Main Desk during regular library hours as well.

Patrons are able to determine when items are due to be returned by logging into their online account, or by asking at any Public Service Desk.  Library cards will retain borrowing privileges as long as there are no materials deemed “lost” and not resolved.  An item is considered “lost” if it is 49 days overdue.  Patrons will receive written or emailed notification that items are overdue.  If the items are not returned, patrons will receive another written notification of the items due and what the replacement costs are.  Patrons will have a set period of time to return or resolve the owed monies on the account before the collection agency is engaged.  There is a $25 processing fee (subject to change) assessed to each account that goes to the collection agency for resolution.

If a library item becomes lost or damaged while borrowed on a patron’s library card, that patron is responsible for the replacement cost of that item.  The borrowing privileges on the patron’s library card will be suspended until the issue has been resolved.  Patrons may be allowed to purchase a replacement copy of the item in lieu of the library’s replacement cost at library management’s discretion.

Patrons have the option to pay any fines or fees by cash or check at the Main Desk, or by credit or debit card through the patron’s account online via the online catalog.  There are no refunds for fines or fees paid to the library.

On rare occasions, an item may appear to be borrowed by a patron when it had already been returned.  If and when this is noticed by the patron, the patron should immediately notify library staff.  Library staff will make every attempt to locate the item within the library.  If the item cannot be found, the patron can talk to staff, who can then report the item as returned in the computer system.  A patron can report three items returned in a calendar year without penalty.  The Library Director reserves the right to modify this policy on an individual basis should concerns arise.

Hold Requests

Patrons may place a hold request on most items in the library.  A hold request may be placed online with your library card number and PIN, over the phone with a library staff member, or in person.  The Library will notify the patron via the patron’s preference (telephone call, text, or email) when an item requested has become available for pick up.  The requested item will be held for one week.  Most items are held at the Main Desk, but some (ie. Hotspots) are held at the Reference Desk.

If a patron would like to request an item not currently held in any MVLC library, the Commonwealth Catalog may be accessed via our website or catalog to place a request to any Massachusetts library.  Reference staff are also available to assist in placing these hold requests.  Items borrowed from the Commonwealth Catalog are unable to be renewed, but do have longer lending periods.

If a patron is searching for materials not available in any Massachusetts library via the Commonwealth Catalog, the Reference Staff may assist in locating an item to borrow from elsewhere in the contiguous United States.  These items have varying lending periods.  Methuen resident library card holders may enjoy five free requests per calendar year.  Each subsequent request is $5.  Non-Methuen residents will be charged $5 for each of these requests.  Please refer to the Mediated Inter-Library Loan Policy.

Museum Passes

The Nevins Library offers a wide variety of museum passes available for our patrons to reserve and use.  Please check the website for the current list of pass offerings and availability.  Museum passes may only be checked out to library card holders 18 years of age and older.  Any MVLC card-holder may reserve a pass 60 days in advance through our website or by speaking with a staff member at the Main Desk.  Patrons may only reserve and use one museum pass per day, and can only reserve each individual pass once every 30 days.  Patrons are responsible for returning re-usable passes to the library by the time the library opens the day after it is used, if applicable.  Passes may be returned in the book drop.  Patrons are advised that museums may require advance reservations, pre-purchase of entrance tickets with the library pass “code”, or any other arrangement as stipulated by the museum/institution.  Borrowing the pass does not guarantee entrance to the institution, and the patron must adhere to all institution policies.

Library of Things

The Nevins Library offers many different “non-conventional” items to borrow within the Library of Things collection.  Items have differing borrowing terms, have the ability to be placed on hold or to renew, and may incur late fees.  These are all assessed on an item by item basis, and details will be included on the item and on the item’s record in the library catalog.  Due to the nature of some of the items, a waiver or statement of informed consent will need to be signed by the patron before borrowing the item.  Nevins Library is not responsible for any injury, loss, or damage that may occur from use of an object of Library of Things. These items must be borrowed with an adult’s library card, and therefore the adult takes full responsibility for a child’s use of the item, regardless of its format or content.   The library card holder will be responsible for any replacement or cleaning fees charged due to loss or damage of the item, or the condition in which it was returned.

Full Policy PDF

Statement of Purpose

The Nevins Library functions as a gathering place for the community as well as an information source as it provides a broad and relevant collection of materials for informational, educational, and recreational purposes and reflects the racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity of the community. The collection development policy is intended to provide guidance, within budgetary and space limitations, for the selection and evaluation of these library materials.

Responsibility Statement

Ultimate responsibility for all library policies lies with the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees delegates to the Library Director the authority to select library materials. The Library Director, at his/her discretion, will work with the Assistant Director to carry out this policy. The Director has the final responsibility to select or reject items.

Community Profile

The Nevins Library is located on Route 28 in the city of Methuen, Massachusetts, which is approximately twenty-seven miles north of Boston and on the New Hampshire state border. Surrounding communities include Haverhill, Dracut, North Andover, Andover, and Lawrence. The city encompasses approximately twenty-two square miles. Two major highways, Interstates 93 and 495, as well as State Routes 28, 213, and 113 run through the city.

As of the April 2020 US Census, Methuen has a population of 53,059. Residents are mostly white (58.2%) with a significant Hispanic or Latino population (30.2%) and smaller black or African American (5.2%) and Asian (4.7%) populations. 37.8% of families speak a language other than English at home. According to the 2022 American Community Survey 5 year Estimates, 23.4% of the residents are under age 18 while 17.1% are 65 years of age or older. 8.9% of the residents are living in poverty.

Material Selection

For a well-rounded collection, librarians select materials based on local and national demand, professional and popular reviews, and recommendations from the public and other library staff, while also ensuring adequate availability of literary staples. Budget and space limitations require a focus on materials that appeal to a broad range of users, rather than the academic and highly technical works collected by universities and other research institutions.

Basic criteria for selection:

  • Library mission
  • Current usefulness or contemporary significance
  • Popular demand
  • Relevance to the needs of the community
  • Availability of materials through the Merrimack Valley Library Consortium (MVLC)
  • Format, durability, and usability
  • Price and availability
  • Importance as a historical record
  • Local interest in subject or author

The collection is available to all residents and registered borrowers in the MVLC consortium or other Massachusetts library cooperative networks. While most materials are available to circulate, some reference materials are for in-library use only. A number of items are irreplaceable and stored in a non-public area of the library to protect them from injury or theft.

We are happy to receive patron requests for consideration of purchasing materials, and we consider each one. We reserve the right to decline to purchase materials suggested under these conditions, and we will make every effort to obtain the material from another library. The Nevins Library participates in the statewide Commonwealth Catalog and can obtain materials through that system, and we will also search out of state for more specialized material.

Local authors seeking to have the Nevins Library add their books to the collection either through a donation or purchase request should refer to our local author policy and/or gift and donation policies. Solicitations from authors outside the local area may be considered, but we reserve the right to decline this consideration.

This preceding is a summary of our Collection Development Policy, if you wish to see the whole thing, see a PDF of our full Collection Development Policy.

Full Policy PDF

While modern libraries are no longer hushed, quiet “temples of learning” visitors and staff should be able to expect an orderly, safe, and relatively peaceful environment in the library.   Patrons who continually disregard the library’s rules and engage in activities within the library that infringe on the rights of other patrons to enjoy the library and its resources will be spoken to and asked to conform their behavior to meet the requirements of correct library behavior.  If they are unable to do so or need to be reminded repeatedly the following steps may be taken:

An individual’s rights and privileges regarding library usage may be restricted.  These restrictions may include but are not limited to:  loss of privilege for one day, one week or several months depending on the severity of the behaviors exhibited.  The types of restrictions may vary depending on the situation.

In the most severe cases an adult may be declared a criminal trespasser and therefore not be allowed to return for a specified period of time.  At the end of that period the person may be required to meet personally with the Library director.  Future use is contingent on the continued compliance with library rules.

A minor may be restricted from using the library and their privileges may not be reinstituted until they and their parent or guardian have met with the Library Director, or until other conditions are met.  Continued use by the minor is contingent on following those conditions which have been agreed upon by all parties involved.

If there is repeated and serious abuse of library rules and regulations, Methuen Police may become involved at which time the recommendations of law enforcement will be considered as a top priority.

Fully Policy PDF & Form

For students whose schools require remote study, Nevins Library is happy to provide proctoring of exams subject to staff availability, and the requirements of the school.  Please note the following guidelines, and leave this form with the Head of Technical & Administrative Services who will coordinate with you to schedule your exam.  There is no charge for this service. To obtain this service you will need to print and submit the above linked PDF to the Head of Technical/Administrative Services.

  • Schedule your exam 2 weeks in advance. We cannot guarantee someone will be available to proctor at the last minute.
  • Ordinarily, we will schedule you to take your exam in an office in the Technical Services area of the library. The Librarian will sign you in and fill out the paperwork for your exam.  S/he will also be the liaison between your school and you if required.  If it is a paper exam, s/he will mail it back however you will be responsible for the payment of postage.  We cannot guarantee that s/he will be personally monitoring you every minute of the exam so check with your school to make sure these conditions are acceptable.
  • If you will take your exam online and need a computer, there is one already in the office where the test will be taken. You may bring your own laptop but the wifi is not as strong there.  It might be possible to change the location of the test however there is no guarantee that another office will be available.  It is preferred that you bring in your laptop prior to taking the exam for a technology check that everything is in order.

Fully Policy PDF

The Nevins Library (“Library”) maintains a fax machine service that is available for use on behalf of patrons for a fee. The fax service may not be used for illegal purposes and patrons are solely responsible for complying with all applicable laws, including copyright laws. Misuse of the fax service may result in denial of future use.

  • Only Library staff may operate the fax machine.
  • Originals must be between 5.8 and 8.5 inches wide and between 5.9 and 23.7 inches long. The maximum number of pages that can be faxed at one time is 15 pages.
  • Fax can’t be transmitted double-sided. All faxes must be sent as a single-sided document. To send a fax from a double-sided document, the patron must copy the second side of the document and place the pages in the correct order.
  • Patron must provide a copy in acceptable condition to be faxed. Folded or creased originals must be photocopied before faxing. Valuable documents such as: birth certificates, legal documents, etc. The Library is not responsible for any damage or loss of documents resulting from this service. Self-service copy machines are available to make copies for a small fee per page.
  • The Library is not responsible and assumes no liability for any damage suffered directly or indirectly from the use of any faxed information deemed sensitive, confidential, or personal.
  • Patrons must be physically present and remain at the desk until the fax is sent.
  • Faxes can only be sent during the Library’s hours of operation. Service will be suspended 15 minutes prior to the Library’s closing time.
  • The Library will send outgoing transmissions to domestic United States fax numbers; receiving faxes is not permitted as part of this service.
  • Faxes are only sent in black and white.
  • Fax services cost $1.00 per page to be paid in cash when sending the fax. Timesheets are free of charge.
  • All faxes are sent without a cover page. A cover sheet is available upon request and the patron must complete it. The cover sheet counts as an additional page and will add $1.00 to the total.
  • Patrons needing fax service will be accommodated as soon as possible in the order in which the patron arrived at the Reference Desk.
  • Patron must provide a fax number. The Library is not responsible for the accuracy of the
  • The Library will provide the user with the transmission verification report automatically issued by the machine as evidence of the transaction. Before leaving the Reference Desk, it is the patron’s responsibility to verify with the transmission report that the fax was sent to the correct number and that the right number of pages was transmitted.
  • If the first call results in a busy signal or other failed connection, two (2) more attempts will be made to transmit in the next 10 minutes. If failure persists for 10 minutes, transmissions may be resubmitted half hour later. If the call still cannot be completed, it is up to the patron to verify the telephone number or seek other means of transmitting or sending the document. Library staff reserve the right to terminate faxing service after 3 unsuccessful attempts.
  • The Library is not responsible for the quality or successful transmission of faxes, including missing pages, bad transmissions, failure to transmit or incomplete information. Only the patron may determine the success of the transmission by calling the recipient. If a patron discovers that a transmission was unsuccessful, he or she may bring their document in along with their verification report, to fax them again free of charge. The Library will not offer any refunds.
  • The Library is not responsible and assumes no liability for any damage suffered directly or indirectly from the use of any faxed information deemed sensitive, confidential, or personal.

Full Policy PDF

Alcohol: The consumption of alcohol is not permitted on the property, except with the express permission of the Trustees.

Animals: Only Service Animals are allowed in the Library.

Audio Equipment: Playing audio equipment so that others can hear it is not allowed in the building.

Bicycles: Bicycles and scooters must be parked in designated areas outside the building.

Cell Phones: There are areas on or near each floor which are designated as cell phone use areas. Patrons are asked to respect the quiet enjoyment of others by using only these areas for cell phone conversations.

Computer Equipment: The abuse of Library computer equipment violates the law (MGL Ch. 266, Sec 100) and will be prosecuted. Abuse of equipment includes banging on the keyboards or other excessive force, misappropriation of hardware or software, and attempts to alter software. Violations of the Library’s Internet & Computer Use Policy cannot be allowed. For more detailed information, please refer to library’s Internet & Computer Use Policy.

Criminal Behavior: No person may commit any act that is in violation of Federal Statutes, the Massachusetts General Laws, or the Ordinances of the City of Methuen.

Damages: Those who damage or deface library materials or property will be prosecuted (MGL Ch. 266, Sec. 100). Parents can be held liable for damages done by a child under the age of 18. (MGL Ch. 272, Sec. 41).

Elevator Misuse: The elevator is for the convenience of all patrons. Riding up and down the elevator with no intention of getting off, or pressing all the buttons in order to slow down the elevator to inconvenience others is not allowed.

Feet: For safety reasons, shoes must be worn at all times in the Library.

Interference: Interfering with another person’s right to use the Library in peace and privacy, or interfering with staff members’ performance of their duties is not allowed.

Food and drink: Food and drink in moderation is allowed in many areas of the building, although not at computer seats. Beverages should have a cover, and patrons should enjoy modest snacks neatly and clean up after themselves completely. Excessive messiness will result in the withdrawal of this privilege. Patrons are urged to use the picnic tables and other outside seating on the Library grounds when the weather is appropriate.

Illegal/Other/Controlled Substances: Use of marijuana, illegal drugs and other intoxicants is strictly prohibited on the Library property.

Library Furniture: In order to maintain a clean and attractive Library building and to protect Library property, patrons are asked not to place feet on the furniture, deface walls, shelving or other furnishings, and not to tip chairs back. One person per chair is the rule, with the obvious exception of lap-sitting children.

Loitering: Loitering on the Library property is not allowed (City Ordinance). Unacceptable loitering is that which results in the offending party’s preventing the enjoyment of the Library by others.

Personal Possessions: Personal possessions should not be left at public service desks for safekeeping. Library staff cannot guarantee the security of such items. Patrons should be reminded to keep their possessions with them at all times.

Photography: Photography is permitted in the building only for personal use. Please see our Photography & Filming Policy for more information.

Public Displays of Affection: Extreme or excessive displays of affection are inappropriate behavior in a public library.

Rest Rooms: Misusing the rest rooms (i.e. using them as a laundry or washing facility) is not allowed.

Running: For the safety of all patrons, running is not allowed in the Library.

Skateboards and Roller skates (including “heelies”): Patrons may bring these into the library while they use the facilities; however, they may not be used on Library property.

Sledding: Sledding is not allowed on Library property, due to the potential danger to the public and liability issues.

Sleeping: Habitual sleepers, noisy sleepers, and those who are sprawled on furniture or the floor in a manner that is disturbing to other persons will not be tolerated. Library users who simply doze off for a short time should ordinarily be left alone.

Soliciting and Sales: Soliciting patrons or staff for donations, sales, or for the purpose of obtaining signatures on petitions is not allowed in the library, except with permission of the Library Director under special circumstances. With the permission of the Director, individuals may stand outside (not blocking the entrances) and respectfully solicit signatures for political petitions. Any badgering or annoying of patrons, especially resulting in a complaint from a patron cannot be tolerated, and those persons so doing will be asked to leave. Religious proselytizing is not permitted.

Staff Only Areas: Patrons are not allowed to enter areas posted “Library Staff Only” without permission.

Tobacco: Smoking, vaping, and the use of tobacco, including e-cigarettes, is prohibited in the building, and within 25 feet outside the building.

Truancy: Children who are out of school without permission from parents or school officials may be reported to the school administration and/or the Methuen Police Department. For more information, see the Library’s Safe Child/Unattended Children Policy in the Appendix.

Weapons: Carrying firearms and dangerous weapons of any type (except by law enforcement officers) is prohibited.

Full Policy PDF

The Nevins Memorial Library welcomes gifts of library materials, money or personal property that enrich and improve Library resources.  The Library reserves the right to refuse any gift that the Board of Library Trustees, in its sole discretion, deems to be not in the best interests of the Library to accept.  If a gift is accepted, the gift shall be final; no restrictions on the Library’s ownership, possession, use, or disposition of the gift shall be effective.

Books and Materials

Gifts of library materials (books, magazines, DVDs, etc.) donated to the Library are examined by library staff to determine if they will be added to the collection.  Materials will be accepted and withdrawn subject to the same criteria as purchased material.  The cost of processing, availability of space, and the physical condition of the item are also factors in the selection process.

Books and other materials will be accepted with the understanding that the Library reserves the right to add them to the collection, donate them to the Friends of the Library, distribute them to other libraries, or discard them.  Donated materials will not be returned to the donor.  The Library does not accept responsibility for notifying donors of withdrawal or replacement of gift items.

Monetary Donations

Unrestricted monetary gifts will be used at the discretion of the Library Director or Trustees to purchase materials or equipment, support Library programs, or in other ways deemed appropriate.

Monetary gifts offered with specific restrictions, including endowment funds, require Board approval of such restrictions before the gifts are accepted.  Restricted donations will be accepted on the condition that the specific use requested is consistent with the goals and objectives of the library.

If the donor wishes to make a substantial gift, please contact the Library Director.

Personal Property

All personal property, art objects, paintings, prints, maps, antiques and other collectibles, if accepted, are accepted only on the condition that they may be sold, kept, given away or discarded at the discretion of the Trustees and/or Library Director.  An appropriate deed of gift or similar document transferring sole and exclusive ownership of the item(s) to the Library will be required.  Any proceeds derived from the disposal of a gift may be used by the Library as determined by the Trustees and/or Library Director consistent with the goals and objectives of the library.

Income tax regulations leave the determination of the gift’s monetary value to the donor.  Donors wishing to have an appraisal of their gifts for income tax purposes should have that done prior to donation.


The Library attempts to acknowledge each gift with a letter or receipt.  Gifts will be formally acknowledged if requested by the donor.  A book plate will be placed in or on an item at the donor’s request, with wording as specified by the donor.

Gifts to Library Staff:

Individual Library staff cannot accept valuable gifts or any form of currency for the services they provide as library staff.  Patrons are encouraged to make contributions to the library as a whole, or provide a gift that all staff can enjoy equally.  This policy is to ensure that staff will treat all members of the public equally, and that no preferential treatment is shown or expected.

Future disposition of gifts

Libraries used extensively by their patrons sustain losses through theft, mutilation, and ordinary wear.  Resources with obsolete and/or misleading information may be discarded with time.  The library also must consider the availability of shelf space and usage of the material when determining to keep or discard items.  The Library, therefore, cannot guarantee that any gift will be part of the collection permanently.

Full Policy PDF

Staff in various public service areas of the Library welcome visits from small groups in the community. Such visits might include a tour of the library building, a survey of services in the Children’s Room or Reference Department, as well as a tutorial in the Reference tools which are available at the Library.  Other groups may simply come in to spend time using the facilities.

Groups wanting Tours, Instruction or Assistance                                                                              

In order for groups to receive adequate attention from staff and to make the best use of limited space available, advance notice of at least a week should be given in writing or by telephone whenever feasible to the head of the specific library department to be visited unless library cards are requested (See Below). For school visits for children grade 6 and below, the Head of Children’s Services should be contacted. For school visits with children grade 7 and up including adult classes, the Head of Reference Services is the contact.  Since library staff might need to prepare for specific objectives of the visit, group leaders should alert staff to those objectives when they give advance notice.

Groups of children and students must be accompanied by adults in numbers to provide adequate supervision.

Groups which are too large for limited space may be asked to split into 2 sessions.

Library Card Requests                                                                                                                         

To facilitate borrowing of materials, often groups like to obtain their library cards during their visit.  For groups of under 40, completed library applications should be submitted to the proper department (Reference Dept. for adults or Children’s Dept. for children under grade 6) one week prior to the visit.  For groups numbering over 40, please allow two weeks for the processing of applications.  In all cases, positive proof of Methuen residency is required when the library card is picked up at the time of the visit.  For groups of schoolchildren the Library will rely on the teacher’s or the Methuen School Department’s verification of residency. 

Groups using the library facilities with Caregivers                                                                              

The Nevins library strives to be a welcoming space for all patrons.  When adult special needs groups or group home residents of any age come from their community facilities, they should always be accompanied by a trained counselor who would be required to stay with them for the duration of the visit. We ask that counselors check in at the main desk and leave a name and cell phone number to contact them in the case of an emergency.

Full Policy PDF

In order to provide our community with equitable internet access at home to foster education, intellectual curiosity, and answer the needs of day-to-day life in the information age, the Nevins Library is proud to provide mobile hotspots to our patrons for personal, non-commercial use.

Our Hotspot Collections

The Nevins Library has two separate collections of hotspots for use by the public: the standard collection and the express collection.

Hotspots in the standard collection can be placed on hold and borrowed for three weeks.

Hotspots in the express collection cannot be placed on hold, and can be borrowed for one week only.

Who Can Borrow a Hotspot?

Any patron from an MVLC library may check out a hotspot. All holds must be picked up in person at the library and returned directly to the Reference desk. Patron registration in the library system is required.

Hotspot borrowers must be 18 years old and in good standing with the library.

Only one hotspot is allowed per household. Each hotspot will support up to 10 connected devices.

Placing Holds

Holds on standard hotspots will be held for 1 week at the Reference desk. After the hold period is over, the hotspot will be offered to the next patron on the hold list. Hotspots may be reserved through the library catalog or by calling the reference desk at 978-686-4080, ext. 12 during normal business hours.

Express hotspots cannot be placed on hold.


Standard hotspots may be borrowed for 3 weeks. Express hotspots may be borrowed for 1 week. Renewals are not permitted. Hotspots must be returned to the reference desk of the library (please do not leave them in the book drop or return to another library), and they may not be checked out again for at least a 24-hour period.

Fines & Fees

If the hotspots are not returned by the due date, the hotspot will be shut off remotely and borrowers will be fined $5 per day up to $35.

Loss or Damage

If the hotspot is damaged or not working, return it to the reference desk as soon as possible. Report any damage to library staff. Lost and damaged equipment will incur replacement fees. The fee for replacement of the hotspot plus the case will be $100. Replacement of just the hotspot alone will be $60. Replacement of the charging adapter or case will be $20 for each component.

Returning the Hotspot

Hotspots must be returned to the reference desk. Do not place hotspots in the book drop. When returning the devices, please make sure that the hotspot, power cord, AC adapter, and case are in the same good working condition as they were when it was checked out. If the hotspot is overdue, service will be turned off without notice and the hotspot will become unusable.

Acceptable Use

Borrowers will adhere to the library’s Internet Acceptable Use policy when using the mobile hotspot

While checked out, the hotspot remains the responsibility of the borrower. Borrowers should not lose control of the device by lending to friends, family, or associates. Any attempt to alter the configuration of the hotspot is strictly prohibited and may result in loss of borrowing privileges.

Borrowers are also bound by service provider Mobile Beacon’s Permitted User Minimum Terms of Service, which can be viewed on their website.


If you experience problems using the hotspot, you may call the reference desk at 978-686-4080, ext. 12 or send an email to nevinsref@nevinslibrary.org.


No data filtering has been applied to these hotspots. Be mindful of online safety for yourself and any children using the hotspot, and see our Acceptable Uses above.

The Nevins Library is not responsible for any files, data, or personal information accessed/transmitted using the hotspot.

The library will have no liability for direct, indirect, or consequential damages related to the use of the mobile hotspots, including loss of data or privacy invasions. Those who use the hotpots do so at their own risk and assume full liability for their actions.

Hotspot users are accessing the internet through a third party network, not the library’s network.

Illegal acts involving library equipment or services may also be subject to prosecution.

Full Policy PDF

Policy Statement
In order to provide our community with more varied computer access options within the Library, including the convenience of using computers and the internet in all departments and floors of our building and our quiet study areas, the Nevins Memorial Library (“Library”) is proud to provide in-house laptops to our patrons for personal use.

Who can borrow a laptop?
Any person 18 years or older with a current Massachusetts state-issued photo ID. The borrower must leave the ID at the desk for the duration of the laptop’s use.

Where can you take the laptop?
The laptops must be used on the Reference floor of the library. The borrower must return the laptop to the Reference desk when leaving the floor and must not leave it unattended.

Placing holds
The laptops cannot be placed on hold. They are available within the Library on a first-come, first-served basis.

Laptops may be borrowed for 3 hours and used only inside the Library. Borrowers are required to leave a physical, government-issued photo identification document (ID) such as a driver’s license or passport at the reference desk while borrowing laptops. The laptop may be renewed if there are no other patrons waiting for a laptop. Once returned, a laptop may not be checked out again by the same borrower until the next day. Laptops will not be lent out any later than one hour before closing. Laptops must be returned by the quarter hour before closing, regardless of when the laptop was borrowed.

Returning the Laptop
Laptops must be returned in person to the Nevins Memorial Library Reference desk. Do not place laptops in the book drop. When returning the devices, please make sure that the laptop itself, its power cord, and its case are in the same good working condition as they were when it was checked out.

Borrowers should be prepared to wait a few minutes while staff checks that the laptop and all returned items are in working order. Once this check is completed, the borrower’s ID card will be returned to the borrower. The ID will be returned only to its owner.

Late returns
There is no fee for returning a laptop late. Library staff reserves the right to end your session after your checkout period has ended.

Loss, Theft, or Damage
If the laptop is damaged or not working, return it to the reference desk as soon as possible. Report any damage to Library staff. Lost, stolen, or damaged equipment will incur replacement fees. Replacement of the laptop costs $1809.

The Library provides you with a suite of useful software on the PC itself, with more cloud-based apps also available to you, such as through Google with your own personal account. You are not able or permitted to install additional software or games on the PC for your own use.

User privacy
The Library will not monitor your activity on the laptop. The Library employs the use of security software which prevents changes to the laptops as well as protects users from saved passwords that would grant others access to their accounts. All of borrowers’ sensitive personal information is erased on every restart. Borrowers are encouraged to restart the devices before returning them, and Library staff will also perform a restart upon receiving a return.

The Library is not responsible and assumes no liability for any damage suffered directly or indirectly by the borrower due to the use of any information deemed sensitive, confidential, or personal, including any communication sent or received.

Personal files
Your personal files cannot be stored on the laptop. Due to our security software, they will be erased upon any restart. Borrowers are encouraged to save their files online or onto a personal USB storage device or in online cloud storage of their own. Do not restart the computer until you have saved your files somewhere securely off of the laptop.

Library staff will not be held responsible for any lost personal files. The library is not responsible for any damage to any device or corruption of data, including damage caused by mechanical malfunction or contamination caused by virus or Spyware infection while using library laptops.

Acceptable Use
The borrower is responsible for complying with all federal and state regulations, including Nevins Memorial Library policies applicable to the use of this service, such as the Library’s Internet Acceptable Use Policy:

“The Nevins Library provides Internet/Wi-Fi Access as an important resource for valuable information. Due to the unique nature of this tool, patrons are advised to use care and good judgment when online. The Library does not use any means of filters to access user information but may monitor usage. Parents are urged to supervise their children’s time on the internet and to educate them regarding safe online practices. Patrons are reminded that the Library’s computer terminals are located in public areas shared with staff members and patrons of all ages, backgrounds, and sensibilities. Individuals are expected to show respect for the sensibilities of others when accessing potentially sensitive material.

Please don’t send, receive, or display text or graphics which may be deemed pornographic according to state, local, or federal laws.”

The full WiFi Access Policy can be accessed here

While checked out, the laptop remains the responsibility of the borrower. Borrowers should not lose control of the device by lending it to friends, family, or associates. Any attempt to alter the configuration of the laptop is strictly prohibited and may result in loss of borrowing privileges.

Assistance with technical support is available at the Reference desk, subject to Reference staff availability.

No data filtering has been applied to these laptops, or to the Library’s wireless internet. Be mindful of online safety for yourself and any children using the laptop.

The Nevins Library is not responsible for any files, data, or personal information accessed/transmitted using the laptop.
The Library will have no liability for direct, indirect, or consequential damage related to the use of the laptops, including loss of data or privacy invasions. Those who use the laptops do so at their own risk and assume full liability for their actions.

Illegal acts involving Library equipment or services may also be subject to prosecution

Full Policy PDF
Reglamento en Español

The Nevins Memorial Library provides internet access as a part of its information services.  The Internet is an important source of valuable information which may not be otherwise available.  Due to the unique nature of this information, the user is advised to use care and judgment when applying this information.  This library does not access the internet through the use of filters but staff may monitor patron usage.  Parents are urged to monitor their children’s usage on the internet and to educate them regarding security on the net.

The  Library takes all standard precautions to protect its computers from viruses and malware. However, these machine-specific precautions do not extend to patrons’ interfacing personal electronic devices; such as USB  drives. Patrons should exercise all due caution in their use of the  internet to avoid contracting viruses and malware on their personal  devices. Patrons assume full responsibility for their personal devices connected to library computers. The library is not responsible for damage to these interfacing personal devices or any subsequent damage to other computers caused by these devices being connected.

Patrons are reminded that the library’s computer terminals are located in public areas that are shared with library users and staff of all ages, backgrounds and sensibilities.  Individuals are expected to consider this diversity and respect the sensibilities of others when accessing potentially sensitive material.  Patrons may not send receive or display text or graphics which may be deemed pornographic according to state, local or federal laws.

Please be aware of the following requirements:

  • There is a 3 hour per day limit for all MVLC cardholders and guest pass users.
  • Patrons are guaranteed 1 hr. and may request time extensions in increments of 30 min up until the 3hr. limit. If there is someone waiting for a computer, this will not be allowed and the user will have to log off and go to the reservation station to be put in line for another computer. Warnings will show at 15min, 5min. and 1min remaining then the computer will automatically log off. Please pay attention to these warnings.
  • There are two computers specifically assigned to be express computers, limit 15 min. Patrons will be unable to extend the time at these computers.
  • Patrons log into the computer using their own unique MVLC library card number.
  • Patrons are reminded of the need to SAVE work onto some external drive (usb stick etc.) Work may not be saved onto these public computers. Library is not responsible for work lost, BE SURE TO SAVE YOUR WORK!
  • Patrons must provide their own headphones, listening to media is not allowed without them. (Earbuds may be purchased at the desk for $1)
  • When the computers are full, patrons are requested to reserve one using the reservation station. (please see a librarian for instructions)
  • Computers will be shut off automatically ten minutes before closing (at 8:50 or 4:50pm) Please be sure to save or print prior to that time.
  • Printing is available from all computers: .15/black & white page and .45/color page. Double sided is considered 2 pages ($.30).
  • Patrons are responsible for previewing and printing the correct pages they require. Once the prints have been made the library is not responsible for mistaken printing jobs. PLEASE USE PRINT PREVIEW!!
  • Patrons will retrieve their own print jobs at the print station using their own unique card number.
  • Library staff will assist with basic issues but patrons should have a minimal competency on the computers. Staff is unable to devote unlimited time to resolving individual issues.  Please see a Reference librarian for information on classes or instruction for computer use.
  • Children 10 or under must be accompanied by parent when using the internet.

Full Policy PDF

The Nevins Library has a free and quiet space for the public to conduct web conferencing sessions, phone calls, and individual study. This policy’s objective is to ensure that this pod is available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of the individuals requesting its use, and to adopt and provide general guidelines related to its use. The purpose of the Library’s pod is to support its mission, services, and activities.

Exceptions to the policy may only be made at the discretion of the Library Director or designee, who deems it in the best interest of the Library and the community.

The service is subject to the following general guidelines:

1. This pod is available for use by a single person for web conferencing sessions, phone calls, and individual study.

2. The pod measures 36 inches wide by 36 inches deep by 77 inches high and is not suitable for individuals with mobility issues or those who have a fear of confined and small spaces.

3. This space is not completely soundproof. You may be asked to lower your volume. The Library is not responsible and assumes no liability for any damages suffered directly or indirectly by the individual due to the use of any information deemed sensitive, confidential or personal, including any communication sent or received during a web conference meeting.

4. The pod must be booked online, in person, or by phone. This space is available on a first-come, first-served basis and cannot be booked more than four weeks in advance.

5. Individuals using the pod are limited to 2 hours per day for a maximum of 3 days a week. The reservation will be suspended if the person does not arrive within 10 minutes after the scheduled reservation start time. All reservations must be vacated at the scheduled end time. One-time extension of up to 2 hours will be allowed if there are no other reservations.

6. The Library reserves the right to reject or cancel any reservation in circumstances beyond its control (e.g., inclement weather, loss of power or water, etc.). In such situations, a message will be sent to the e-mail address provided by the applicant during the reservation process.

7. The pod will be available for use during the Library’s regular hours, starting 15 minutes after opening and ending 15 minutes before the Library closes.

8. Permission to use the pod is not transferable from one individual to another without Library authorization. Any parent, guardian, or caregiver allowing a minor to use the pod is responsible for the minor’s conduct, supervision and safety.

9. Library staff reserve the right to inspect the space at any time.

10. The individual may not change the configuration of the space. Any damage to or loss of Library property resulting from the misuse of the space will be the responsibility of the individual that booked it. The applicant assumes responsibility for leaving the space clean and orderly. Only beverages in sealed containers are allowed.

11. The Library is not responsible for personal materials left in the pod.

12. The Library does not have any videoconferencing-platform license subscriptions to lend to the public. The individuals are responsible for scheduling the meeting session using their own license subscription.

13. Assistance with any web-conferencing platform or technology will be subject to staff availability.

14. Some online exams may require the installation of proctoring or monitoring software. Installing new software on Library PCs or laptops can only be done with the approval of the Library’s Systems Administrator and Technology Librarian. The Library reserves the right to refuse to install new software and cannot guarantee compatibility. Anyone taking an online exam that requires software on Library PCs or laptops must contact the Reference desk at least a week in advance of the test in order for the Library to approve and install any required software. Refer to the Exam Proctoring Guidelines for a more comprehensive understanding.

15. The Library staff will not install or assist in installing any software on patrons’ personal computers.

16. The Library is not responsible and assumes no liability for data or files stored on its equipment.

17. The Library is not responsible for any damage to any device or corruption of data, including damage caused by mechanical malfunction or contamination caused by virus or spyware infection while using computers or any other device in its pod or facilities.

18. The applicant is responsible for complying with all federal and state regulations, including Nevins Library policies applicable to the use of this service. Failure to comply with these rules may result in suspension of the privilege to use this service.

19. By booking and/or using this service, the individual acknowledges and affirms they have read, understand, and agree to comply with the laws, as well as all policies, rules, and regulations of Nevins Library pertaining to these services, accessible at https://www.nevinslibrary.org/about-nevins-library/policies/.

Full Policy PDF
Author Submission Form

Our Policy:

The Nevins Memorial Library wishes to recognize the literary efforts of local/regional authors, and authors whose works take place in or are about the Merrimack Valley, by including their works in the collection whenever appropriate.

The Nevins Memorial Library will review donations of/purchase requests for material, but does not guarantee their inclusion in the collection.  Once donated, items become the property of the Library and will not be returned.  Items not added to our collection will be repurposed in accordance with our gift policy.

Donation Guidelines:

The Nevins Memorial Library welcomes the opportunity to support and promote the creative and literary expression of our community. The following guidelines apply to works created in any format:

  • Authors must reside in the Merrimack Valley, or their work must take place in or be about the Merrimack Valley.
  • The author represents and warrants full ownership/and or legal rights to publish all material, including artwork.
  • The Library will accept one copy of each title. Authors may donate up to three titles per year.
  • Materials must be bound and formatted in a way that enables circulation, ease of use, and durability.
  • If you are submitting a book, please make sure that the title and author are clearly visible on the spine.
  • The Library will only accept physical formats, i.e., books, CDs, and DVDs. (We do not consider works submitted in electronic format).
  • Items must be in new condition.

As with all library materials, the Library will apply the same inclusion and retention guidelines as stated in the general collection development policy. The Library reserves the right to include or exclude any title from the collection for any reason. Materials provided to the Library may be removed for any reason, at any time.

All donated materials become the property of Nevins Memorial Library and cannot be returned to the donor for any reason.

Submission Process:

Your work may be submitted in person at the library during open hours, or mailed and must include a completed submission form (found below).

Once your material and completed form have been received, you will receive an email from the appropriate department (Children’s, Fiction, Non-Fiction, Teens) selector acknowledging receipt of your work, please allow five (5) business days for this notification.

Works received for consideration will be reviewed by the selector responsible for the collection in which your book will be placed. The selector will consider the material in relation to the Library’s collection development criteria in addition to industry standards.   Please allow thirty (30) business days for this evaluation.

You will be notified by email regarding the selector’s decision thirty (30) business days after the date of the acknowledgement email. Please note, we cannot meet with individuals to discuss their work or results of this decision.

If your work is chosen for inclusion in the collection, we cannot guarantee a specific time frame for addition to the library.  Many times, self-published, or small publisher materials need specialty processing.

The Nevins Memorial Library will not provide professional reviews, promotion, or marketing of an author’s work.

Please understand that if your donated material is chosen for inclusion in the Library’s collection, library staff are under no obligation to purchase additional copies for the collection.  If the Library chooses to buy additional copies, they may not be directly purchased from you, but from other library purchasing sources.

If the Nevins Memorial Library accepts your material for inclusion in the collection, there is no implied understanding that a Library sponsored program will take place.  The Library uses its own discretion regarding programming.

Full Policy PDF

The Nevins Memorial Library provides interlibrary loan service in order to increase the resources available to its patrons and provide expanded opportunities for lifelong learning and enrichment.

Interlibrary loan is the process whereby the library requests material from or supplies material to another library. Material described in this policy do not belong to any libraries that are included in the MVLC system. The process by which materials come from those libraries is known as network transfers and is covered under the MVLC policy disclaimers.

Materials include books, audiovisual materials and other returnable items as well as copies of journal articles, book chapters, excerpts and other non-returnable items.

Regulations for Borrowing through the Nevins Memorial Library:

All Methuen card holders in good standing are allowed to receive free of charge 5 OCLC loans per calendar year. OCLC loans are generally for materials not available in the Commonwealth or are from academic libraries within the state. After 5 loans the flat rate will be $5 per item requested.

Nevins Memorial Library staff will conduct OCLC requests for out of town patrons for a flat fee of $5 per request.

Requests may be submitted either in person, by phone or by using the form on our website

The Library reserves the right to limit the number of requests submitted by a single user at the same time.

Materials which may be requested include books including foreign language and large print books, out of print fiction and nonfiction, and government documents as well as sound recordings and video recordings. Only libraries which lend free of charge are approached to lend materials to the Nevins Memorial Library.

All materials processed by the Reference Department for mediated ILL must be returned to the Reference desk specifically and should not be left at the Circulation desk with other regular library items.

The loan period for each item may be different and is predetermined by the lending institution. Renewals on these items are at the discretion of the lending library and so are not suggested as a matter of course.

This mediated lending service may be limited or suspended for borrowers who repeatedly fail to adhere to the regulations set for the here in this policy statement. Any damage or defacement of ILL materials will result in the restitution of these items and may adversely affect the ability of the patron to submit future requests for this service.

Full Policy PDF

Fees for events in the Hall while the Library is Closed

Purpose of Meeting Room & Facilities Use

The Board of Trustees of the Nevins Library (hereinafter referred to as “Trustees”) have formulated these policies on meeting rooms and facilities use to insure that the people of Methuen have the greatest possible access to Library services, as well as educational and cultural opportunities sponsored by the Library and other civic, social and community groups.

Meeting Rooms are made available as a public service, and booking a room in no way constitutes an endorsement of the program or philosophy of the group or the individuals using the facilities. Advertisements or announcements implying such endorsements are prohibited. Groups and individuals may use the Library’s facilities for a variety of purposes. It is the purpose of the Trustees to provide space for activities which have a substantial nexus to the Methuen community. The Trustees reserve the right to place restrictions on meeting room use in the event that the time, place and manner of the proposed use is not consistent with the Library’s operations and goals.

Meeting Rooms, Library grounds and other Library spaces are available for educational, informational, artistic, recreational, civic and limited commercial purposes provided that such use does not interfere with regular Library services or programs and that those groups using the facilities conform to the rules of the Library’s policies. Failure to conform to the rules will result in cancellation of any meetings scheduled, and permanent revocation of a group’s privilege to use Library facilities. Attendees of meetings and events must also conform to the Library’s “Patron Behavior Guidelines” as posted on the Library’s website.

Exceptions to this Policy may only be made at the discretion of the Trustees as in its sole discretion deems in the interests of the Library and the community. The Library Trustees reserve the right to refuse the use of the facilities or to cancel any reservation when they deem the action in the best interest of the Library or the City of Methuen (hereinafter referred to as “City”). Regular Library service and Library-sponsored activities take precedence over all other activities and meetings/programs of any outside organization. If any proposed meeting is deemed likely to interrupt regular Library service, or if the attendance at any meeting will prove a disruption to Library patrons, either because of noise or parking limitations, the request for meeting space may be denied. The Trustees must determine that any proposed meeting or activity would be in compliance with all the rules and regulations set out in this document and in compliance with all Library policies and guidelines. In making said determination the Trustees may consider the contents of the application form, the history of the applicant’s use of Library facilities, the history of the applicant’s use of facilities elsewhere, and such other information as they may deem appropriate.

No non-Library organization or individual may book any meeting room(s) more than 12 times in any calendar year, and no meeting room may be booked more than twelve months in advance. Twice yearly (in January and September) the meeting room schedule will be evaluated to ensure no organizations are monopolizing space. While organizations are welcome to meet at the Library, they should in no way assume that they will meet in perpetuity at the Library, and the Library will not serve as headquarters, or provide the mailing address for any organization except the Friends of the Nevins Library.

The Library reserves the right to move meetings from one room to another based on the varying needs of the Library and different groups using the facilities. Groups which are booked for a monthly meeting may expect to be moved based on other reservations.

Any group meeting at the Nevins Library must be sponsored by a Methuen resident. The Methuen resident must sign the Meeting Room Request form, and be available to Library staff to address questions or concerns about the meeting. Limited exceptions to this rule may be granted by the Trustees in the case of providing space for a Methuen-based business for non-commercial purposes. Non-profit organizations and state agencies which serve the Methuen community may also request a meeting room.

All meetings and activities held at the Library or on the grounds must be open to the public, or be held by organizations which have membership open to the public. Private parties and fundraisers by invitation only are not permitted. No admission fee may be charged, except with the express permission of the Library Director in consultation with the Trustees, or unless the event directly benefits the Library.

Fees for events in the Hall while the Library is Closed:

$400 for the first two hours (minimum) + $100 per hour for each additional hour (including setup/cleanup time.)

Plus $75 per hour for each staff member on site (3 hour minimum)
Plus $150 cleaning fee if any food or beverage is served

If you plan to book a room please make sure to see our full meeting rooms and facilities policy for specific information about each of our meeting rooms and our facilities before you do.

Full Policy PDF

Service Requirements           

Document signers and witnesses (if required) must bring valid identification documents (ID). Government-issued photo identification is required of any patron seeking notary service. A Staff Notary will decline to notarize a document if the signer cannot provide acceptable identification.

Be sure documents are complete and ready for signature. Many notarizations require the signer to sign in the presence of a Staff Notary. Staff Notaries are prohibited from helping you to prepare, complete, or understand documents.

Document signers must be present at the time of notarization. Nevins Library will not provide witnesses and witnesses may not be solicited from patrons using the Library.

Service Restrictions

Staff Notaries will decline to provide service if the patron, document, or circumstances of the request for notary service raises any issue of authenticity, ambiguity, doubt, or uncertainty.

If a document does not contain a notarial certificate, a Staff Notary may explain the purpose of certain basic notarizations so that the signer may make the best choice for their document. The signer is responsible to consult their own legal counsel or the document’s creator or recipient prior to their appointment to determine the notarial act required.

Staff Notaries will not notarize documents written in languages they do not read.

Staff Notaries will not complete a USCIS Form I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification Form.

Staff Notaries are not attorneys licensed to practice law and will not notarize documents that require specialized legal, financial, or technical knowledge. Including, but not limited to, real estate closings, deeds, mortgages, wills, powers of attorney, living wills, living trusts, adoption agreements, codicils and depositions.

Staff Notaries may not give you legal advice or advise you about immigration policies or procedures. You should seek the advice of a qualified attorney to assist you with any legal questions or with questions about legal status under immigration law.

Staff Notaries will not pre-date or post-date any document.

Staff Notaries are not permitted to notarize documentation requiring a Medallion Signature Guarantee or Apostille Certifications.

Full Policy PDF

Outreach services are available to Methuen residents who are physically unable to get to the library. This service is for the elderly, the disabled, and those who are incapacitated due to injury or illness. Temporary service is also available during recuperation time.

Volunteers are matched up to patrons according to availability of times and needs for both the patron and the volunteer.

Volunteers may be responsible for choosing and delivering books and media, unless their homebound user has specific requests to be filled. They may, however, ask the staff to assist in finding titles to bring to the patron.

In compliance with the Massachusetts General Laws, the Nevins Library requires all volunteers to undergo a Criminal Offence Record Investigation (CORI) check. The Library Business Manager will execute this check through the Library’s third-party vendor, and volunteers must cooperate with this procedure. Only after the CORI check has been completed satisfactorily may the volunteer begin to deliver materials.

Volunteers are screened but Nevins Library is not responsible for the conduct of volunteers or the patrons accepting this service.

Complaints about volunteers or patrons will be reviewed and volunteers/patrons service may be terminated at the Library’s discretion.

Due dates are determined on an individual basis. Homebound patrons are subject to the same rules, regulations, and limitations as all other patrons.

All items are checked in and out by the staff of the Nevins Library. All patron records are kept by the staff of the Nevins Library.

Patrons are responsible for lost and damaged materials in their possession.

Volunteers who deliver materials to patrons must strictly abide by the Patron Privacy/Confidentiality Policy found on the Library’s website.

NOTE: In addition to home delivery, the Library offers outside pickup of material, at any time during regular library hours. Patrons must call in advance to make a pick-up appointment, and must be prepared to call the Main Desk when they arrive to alert staff that they are waiting outside.

Full Policy PDF


The most significant priority for the Nevins Library is to provide library services to the Methuen community, outlined in the Library’s Mission Statement. Photographing and filming in the Nevins Library is allowed only to the extent that it does not interfere with the provision of library services, is consistent with the Library’s Mission Statement and Rules of Conduct, and does not infringe on the privacy rights of the Library’s patrons and staff.

Please note that the Nevins Library engages in photographing and videoing programs and events and reserves the right to utilize them for its own publicity and promotional purposes online and in print. Attendees and/or participants consent to having their photograph taken and used for such purposes. As a courtesy, library staff will notify members of the public when photography and video recording is taking place, and any patrons and/or their child(ren) who do not want to be photographed or recorded will be respected.

The news media and members of the public are welcome to take photographs in and around the library. The responsibility for obtaining releases for news photos lies with the media outlet. The Nevins Library staff may terminate any photo session that appears to impede library operations, compromise public safety, building security, patron privacy, or is inconsistent with the Library’s Mission Statement and/or Rules of Conduct /Behavior.

Casual Filming and Photography

The library allows visitors and patrons to engage in casual filming and photography while present in the Library and visiting its outdoor spaces. Library facilities and grounds are public spaces and the Library is not responsible for incidental filming or photography of visitors and patrons of the library.

Caregivers visiting the library may take pictures of their children to record special moments. As a courtesy, please be respectful of other children, and announce to the caregivers that you are going to take some pictures.  Please allow time for those who do not wish to be in the photo to move.  Please be respectful of other children and do not take their picture without asking their caregiver for permission. Only handheld cameras and cell phones may be used to photograph or take videos. Because of safety and liability concerns, the use of additional equipment such as tripods, lights, and backdrops is not permitted without prior permission.

Patrons are asked to request permission from the library director or the librarian-in-charge prior to conducting professional style photo or video sessions of the interior of the building to screen for building safety or security issues. This includes amateur photography using tripods, lights, and backdrops.

Recognizing the historic significance and architectural style of the Nevins Library, photographing or filming the exterior of the library building for your personal use does not require permission. While engaged in photographing or filming, care must be taken not to impede the ingress or egress of visitors or staff to or from the library building, its outdoor spaces, and parking areas. Photographs, sound music and videos can only be used for non-commercial purposes. Changes to library facilities or furnishings (furniture, artwork, lighting fixtures, shelving, etc.) is strictly prohibited.

Photographic Releases

Photographers filming or photographing on library premises have sole responsibility for gaining all necessary releases and permissions from persons who can be identified in any photography or film. The library undertakes no responsibility for obtaining these releases.

Movie and Music Industry

The library may permit use of its facilities by the movie or music industry for film projects where a library setting is required.  Projects utilizing the stage, must be in accordance with the rest of this policy, our meeting room policy, and cannot advertise or promote commercial products. Filming may not be related to political campaigns or to partisan issues.

All requests must be submitted to the library director at least four weeks prior to the requested shooting date. The production company shall compensate the library for staffing expenses necessary to open, secure, and monitor the library premises during a shoot. The library reserves the right to review scripts prior to approval of the filming, music recording or photography event and retains the absolute right to refuse permission to movie, music and photography project proposals.

Photography for Groups and Non-Library Events Using Meeting Rooms at the Library

Groups arranging meetings using the library meeting rooms may arrange for photographers and news media during their event. Photography for such events is restricted to the meeting room space reserved by the group and may not take place in other areas of the library.

Library Liability for Injuries

Permission from the library to conduct a photograph/film/recording event does not mean the library assumes any liability.  The person or group responsible for the photograph/film/recording event, assumes any and all liabilities, damages, losses or injuries that participants may sustain to their person or property which arise out of or are related to the photography/filming/music activities.

Weddings, Anniversaries and Other Celebratory Events                                                                          

Please keep in mind that the primary function of the Nevins Library is to provide informational and literary material to the residents of Methuen. To avoid service disruptions, we limit indoor photographs or films of wedding, anniversary, prom and special recognition parties to the bride and groom, married couple, prom couple or the person being honored, and the photographer. Photographs and videos of the entire wedding, anniversary or prom party are only allowed outside on library grounds. While engaged in outdoor photography or films, care must be taken not to impede visitors or staff movements going into or exiting from the library building, its outdoor spaces, and parking areas. Please notify the library director 48 hours prior to your planned session. Please be aware that the Nevins Library does not allow alcohol on the premises.

Full Policy PDF

The Nevins Memorial Library is committed to patron privacy and confidentiality.  The Library has adopted the American Library Association (ALA) Library Bill of Rights and its Interpretations, including the Interpretation on Privacy and subscribes to the Statement on Professional Ethics.   The Nevins Library also operates in cooperation with the Merrimack Valley Library Consortium, and subscribes to its Privacy Policy.  All of these documents are attached to this Policy.

Library Records

Under MA General Laws Chapter 78, Section 7 “That part of the records of a public library which reveals the identity and intellectual pursuits of a person using such library shall not be a public record…”

Confidentiality extends to information sought or received, materials consulted and borrowed, and includes database searches, reference interviews, circulation records, interlibrary loan transactions, registration records, and all other personally identifiable uses of library materials or services.

The Nevins Library does not sell, lease or otherwise distribute or disclose patron name, email address, phone numbers or other personal information to outside parties.  If you furnish your email address, the Library may use it for notifications, occasional informational emails, library promotions and other related communications.

Information about a library user and their record may not be disclosed EXCEPT in the following cases:

  • At the request of the Cardholder (with card or identification.) This is regardless of age or relationship with the following exceptions:
  • The Library will transact business with a person holding a library card of another person, except in the event that the card has been reported stolen to the Library or if the Library has been otherwise notified by the cardholder that the card may not be used by another.
  • Parents and Guardians of Dependent Child Cardholders under age 12 who have overdue fines of $10 or more, or who have one billed item on their patron records may, upon supplying proper identification, be provided with information about titles that are checked out on the child’s library card. If Library Staff are unable to confirm the identity of the parent or guardian, no confidential information will be given. Please note that in order to ensure the privacy of children age 12 and over, the Library will enforce Section (a), above. For additional clarification see “Minor Child Cardholders,” below.
  • Staff of the Nevins Library and other libraries and staff members of the Merrimack Valley Library Consortium within the scope of their duties in administering the library system and facilitating the patron’s use of the library.
  • Information will be released as minimally necessary to validate a patron using third –party services contracted by the Library or by MVLC.
  • In the event that items become seriously overdue and the Library must seek outside assistance in the recovery of Library property, patron information will be shared with the outside vendor selected by the library for that purpose.
  • When representatives of the government (local, state, federal), pursuant to a subpoena or search warrant authorized by local, state or federal courts, and relating to civil, criminal or investigative powers, request a patron’s record the Library Director will consult with Legal Counsel. If Counsel finds the warrant or subpoena is in proper form and has a valid basis, the Library Director will ensure compliance with the request.  Trustees will be notified of any such request, unless the request is issued by a FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) Court under the USA Patriot Act Section XX.  It should be noted that in some circumstances, under federal law, library workers can be prohibited from informing individuals or any other entities when or if federal authorities have obtained records related to them.
  • In the event of a rare exigent circumstance during the commission of a crime, library videotapes may be used by law enforcement, but may not be made public without permission of the Library Trustees.

Minor Child Cardholders

The law relating to patron privacy does not have age restrictions attached.  Therefore under Massachusetts law the borrowing records of a minor for their own library card are private and should not normally be released to anyone without a subpoena or warrant, including parents or guardians.  However, the Nevins Library recognizes that some instances may arise when it is necessary for a parent or legal guardian to be provided with information about a child’s library record (i.e. when a child’s library materials are overdue or have been misplaced.)  In this case there are procedures that will enable parents or guardians, who are financially responsible for the child’s library materials, to obtain information about the records of a minor child under age 12.  Upon statement of the above reasons the parent or guardian will receive the information by providing identification of the relationship to the child.  It is strongly advised that parents work with their children who have library cards to use the “My Account” feature of the catalog using the PIN (Personal Identification Number) for their library account so that the child can access their borrowing record on a home or library computer.  For information regarding PIN numbers, you may contact the Library’s Main Desk.

Website Use

When a patron uses the Nevins Library website, the Library only collects information to count the number of visitors to the site.  The information may include

  • The IP address of the patron’s computer or Internet provider
  • The date & time of the web visit
  • The pages within the Library’s site that were accessed

Website data is not linked to the patron’s library account data.  The Library cannot look up patron records to determine what websites or pages were visited.

Privacy and Computers in the Library

The Library uses an automated sign-in system for patrons using public computers at the Nevins Library.  Patrons may sign in using their library card or a guest pass. The Library makes no effort to link patron library card numbers with web sites being accessed on the public computers; however patron data is recorded (but not tracked) for individual sessions.  At the end of every session, patron data is cleared.  Guest pass distribution is random, and a patron’s guest pass information is not recorded or tracked in any way.

The Nevins Library offers a wireless network that allows patrons using their own devices to connect to the Internet at the Library.  Please note that data accessed and sent over the Library’s wifi is not encrypted and is not secure.

While the Library makes every effort to keep patron’s computer use private, patrons are cautioned to remember that they are using a computer in a public place, and appropriate and courteous behavior is expected, and the Library cannot guarantee complete privacy.

Use of the Library’s website, computers, or wifi to gain access to third party vendors, online services, or other websites is undertaken at the patron’s risk, and the Library is not responsible for privacy or confidentiality on any outside internet resource.

Full Policy PDF
Library Program Suggestion Form
Request for Reconsideration of Library Program Form

Purpose of the Programming Policy

The staff of the Nevins Library offers programs intended to further the Library’s mission.  The Library functions as an informational, recreational, and cultural resource for the community of Methuen.  Programs are a means through which the public can share experiences, explore ideas, appreciate special interests, exchange information, and connect with each other and with the Nevins Library.

Library sponsorship of a program does not constitute an endorsement of the content of the program or the views expressed by participants.  Program topics, speakers and resources are not excluded from programs because of possible controversy.  Library programming will reflect a wide range of diverse perspectives and opinions.

In developing and delivering programs, the Library utilizes staff expertise, collections, equipment, and facilities.  The following criteria are used in making decisions about program topics, speakers, and accompanying resources:

  • Community needs and interests
  • Budget and cost of program
  • Space required for program
  • Presenter background and qualifications in content area
  • Relevance/Appropriateness of program to Library’s mission
  • Staff time

Final decisions on what programs are offered are made by the Library Director or their designee.

At Any Library Sponsored Program
All programs are open to the public; Methuen residency is not required for attendance.

Most programs are free. Few programs may charge a small fee to help cover the cost of supplies, presenter, etc.  If a program has a fee, that fee and its due date will be displayed as part of the marketing and publicity for the program. Library staff must collect any required fees by the date indicated.

Programs may be held at the Library, off site at another location, or online (hybrid or virtual)

  • Decisions related to where, when or how the program will be presented will be made by Library staff facilitating the program in consultation with the performer or speaker.
  • Programs may be altered, postponed, or cancelled in extenuating circumstances (weather, unforeseen circumstances for the speaker, etc). Notice of this change will be communicated to participants as efficiently and timely as possible with the contact information received at registration.

Professional performers are selected by Library staff.

In person program attendance will not exceed the capacity of its space as determined by the fire code. Program attendance of virtual programs cannot exceed the capacity of the Library’s Zoom account.

Programs may be designed for and limited to a specific audience, age, or grade level, which will be communicated as part of the program’s description. Sample age ranges:

  • Children are defined as between 0 and 12 years old
  • Teens are defined as between 13 and 18 years old
  • Adults are defined as 18 years and older

Decisions concerning an event’s appropriate age range, registration, capacity, late arrivals, and allowable walk-ins will be made by the Library staff supervising the program. These decisions should be respected by patrons attending or wishing to attend the program.

Safety for patrons, staff and presenters is a priority for the Library. Any special and specific health guidelines put forth by local, state or federal governing bodies will be respected.

Methuen residents may suggest program themes, topics, or presenters using the Program Suggestion Form (Appendix A). All suggestions will be evaluated against the stated criteria for program selection, which means they may not necessarily be implemented automatically.

Some events require registration to attend. The purpose of this is:

  • To maintain the correct room capacity
  • To allow staff or the presenter to be prepared for the audience size

In most cases, registration will begin 4-6 weeks prior to the program. Specialized programs may have a different registration period.

All registered attendees will receive an emailed reminder about the program 48 hours in advance. We request that registered individuals notify the Library as soon as possible if they are unable to attend in order to allow others to attend. High-demand or popular programs may have a waitlist once the registration is at capacity.

  • Should space become available, wait-listed patrons will be notified in the order they joined the wait-list.
  • If there is space available at the start of a program, walk-ins may be allowed at the discretion of library staff facilitating the program.

Event Promotion
The Library can only promote Library-sponsored programs. Designated Library staff responsible for Library Marketing and Publicity will adhere to the Library’s Branding Guide when creating and distributing promotional materials for Library programs and co-sponsored events. These promotional materials will be shared with the Library’s co-sponsoring partner(s) for distribution as they see fit.

External Graphics must be approved for use by the Digital Communications Manager, Assistant Director or Library Director when being used for collaborative programs.

Library programs may be promoted by the Library in any or all of the following ways, as appropriate for the program:

  • Library’s Website
  • Library’s Social Media ie: Facebook page(s), Instagram, X, TikTok, etc
  • Library’s Monthly Newsletter distributed by email
  • Local Media ie: MethuenLife, Eagle Tribune, Methuen Community Studios, Local Radio, City of Methuen’s Calendar of Events
  • Flyers

Event Management
Even in the event of preregistration, the Library does not guarantee seating once a program has begun. If the event does not have a wait-list, walk-ins may be allowed to fill unclaimed spots at the discretion of Library Staff supervising the program.

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Library will make sure seating is available for anyone who needs accommodation.

  • The Library requests at least two weeks notice for any accommodation such as an interpreter, listening devices, etc. Please make any requests by replying to your registration confirmation email, or by calling the Library 978-686-4080.
  • The Library is happy to make reasonable accommodations. All are welcome at Library programs.

Attendees of all programs are expected to respect Library Staff, Presenters or Speakers, and the other attendees as well as any directions given by Library Staff and Presenters or Speakers. Patrons causing a disruption to a library program may be asked to leave, or be muted/removed from Zoom by supervising staff. In cases of extreme disruption, law enforcement may be called to intervene. Caregivers are responsible for their children’s conduct. Please see Safe Child/Unattended Children Policy.

Program Reconsideration
Library programs are carefully selected based on the criteria outlined above. However, differences of opinion may arise regarding Library Programming.

Methuen residents wishing to voice an objection to a Library Program may obtain a Request for Reconsideration Form (Appendix B) from a staff member.

  • Completed requests for reconsideration can be given to any staff member, who will forward it to Library Administration.
  • Requests must be submitted in writing at least 3 weeks prior to the program.

Library Administration, in collaboration with the Board of Trustees, will convene to address the concern and determine any necessary follow-up steps in alignment with established Library policies and protocols. A written response will be provided at least 2 days before the program.

Sales at Library Programs
Authors or booksellers may sell their books as part of a library program.

Programs sponsored by the Friends of the Library may include the sale of merchandise as a fundraiser to benefit the library. The Library may also hold this kind of fundraiser directly.

Sale of any other products at Library programs is not permitted unless authorized by the Library Director or their designee.

Library Programs are not used for commercial purposes or the solicitation of business.  However, the presenter may leave business cards or create a mailing list for communication with attendees outside the library.

Full Policy PDF

As part of its mission to enrich the community, the Nevins Library is committed to providing quality reference service to its patrons without regard to the race, gender, age, sexual orientation, appearance and or personal knowledge of the patron requesting the information. This service may be accessed in different ways and may result in either information, instruction and or referrals to appropriate alternative sources.

This Reference Services Policy serves as a framework to ensure a uniform and high level of service to all patrons. Its purposes include:

  • Offering guidance to maintain consistent quality in reference services
  • Serving as a document for the proper training of staff
  • Acting as a referral tool for staff seeking assistance and guidance
  • Making written guidelines on the scope and boundaries of services accessible to the public

Reference Philosophy
Nevins Library upholds the principles outlined in the Library Bill of Rights and the American Library Association’s Statement on Intellectual Freedom. In alignment with these guidelines, the Library establishes the following philosophical principles:

  • Reference services will be provided on a non-discriminatory basis to all Methuen residents and non-residents.
  • All requests for information are considered legitimate and will not be judged on the worth of the information desired.
  • All transactions between staff and patrons shall be considered confidential and be treated accordingly.
  • Staff will make every effort to impartially deliver the reference assistance in an unbiased, non-judgmental and non-interpretative manner; and will always cite the source of the response.
  • All information will be conveyed as promptly, accurately and efficiently as possible.
  • Staff collaborate with each other and may seek assistance or share ideas regarding questions or issues related to reference service.
  • Staff refrains from offering advice on medical, legal, copyright, financial, or tax matters.

The Reference and User Services Association (RUSA) defines Reference as assistance through specialized expertise in response to an information need. It emphasizes that the purpose of reference work is “to ensure that library users can find the resources they need when they want them” (RUSA, 2001, The Definition in Context section).

Library reference questions arise when an individual or group seeks immediate information or assistance from a library worker, who may also identify and address apparent information needs. Unlike formal instruction or planned workshops, reference work is driven by the patrons’ current need and focuses on providing timely access to necessary resources, rather than teaching or addressing anticipated needs.

Modes of Inquiry and Patrons Priorities
Service to the public receives the highest priority over all other duties while staffing the Reference Desk. Patrons are assisted on a first-come, first-served basis regardless of the age, race, gender, nationality, educational background, disability, sexual orientation or any other criteria which may be the source of discrimination. Priority service will be given to in-person requests. When there are two or more patrons at the desk requesting service, callers will be encouraged to call back or provide their contact information so they can be assisted when time allows. If a patron has a request that requires more time, it will be addressed after assisting other patrons with simpler questions.

  • In Person
    • Patrons will be assisted at the Reference desk in order of arrival according to the best judgement of the staff.
  • By Phone
    • While our team is committed to helping patrons with brief reference questions over the phone, staff may need to follow up with personal email to provide more information.
  • Email and E- Forms
    • Email services are available for brief or factual questions through the address: nevinsref@nevinslibrary.org.
    • Interlibrary loans and Reader’s advisory services can be requested using the respective electronic forms available on the Library’s website.
    • Questions received via email or e-forms will be addressed in the order they are received and the staff will make every effort to respond within 2 business days. However, response times may vary depending on the complexity of the inquiry.
  • By E-forms
    • Questions will be addressed in the order they are received, and the Reference staff will make every effort to respond within 2 business days. Inquiries received on Sundays, holidays, or during Library closings will be attended to on the first business day following the Library’s reopening.
  • By Texting
    • If the telephone and internet are unavailable, inquiries will be addressed via cell phone at (781) 226-9184. However, such occurrences will be pre-notified on the Library’s website and social media platforms.
    • This service is available for brief or factual inquiries and will be handled on a first-come, first-served basis, and the Reference staff will do their best to respond within two business days. However, response times may vary depending on the complexity of the query and/or the availability of Internet service.
  • By Mail
    • All will be answered in the order in which they are received.

Time Limits on Questions
No two reference questions are alike; therefore, staff will spend up to 30 minutes on a reference question and make best attempts to provide at least some results relevant to the search. After 30 minutes, the patron will be asked to schedule an appointment to address their information request in more detail so as not to affect the quality of service to other patrons.

Specialized Requests

  • Directory Information. Publicly accessible telephone numbers and addresses from telephone directories, city directories, and electronic resources will be provided
    upon request. However, staff reserve the right to limit the number of such requests.
  • Editing. No documents such as manuscripts, school assignments, academic papers, cover letters, resumes, or similar materials will be edited.
  • Exam Proctoring. See Exam Proctoring Guidelines
  • Genealogical and Obituaries Research. General assistance and guidance in navigating our Local History Collection will be available. This includes basic advice on using the microfilm reader and accessing various online genealogy resources such as American Ancestors, Ancestry Heritage Quest, and Ancestry Library Edition, among others. If further assistance is required, patrons may be referred to other libraries or accredited researchers in the area. For obituaries, patrons must provide both the deceased’s name and the date of death to assist with the research. Staff are unable to conduct a search without reasonable certainty that the provided name and date are accurate. There is a limit of three (3) requests per month per patron for obituary searches or genealogical research requested by phone or email.
  • Homework Assignments and Research Assistance. Homework assignments will not be interpreted; however, patrons will be assisted in locating specific sources to meet their informational needs in the required format. Reference services do not encompass generating, modifying, or rectifying extensive bibliographic lists. Patrons will be referred to the relevant style manual or to bibliographic managers to ensure proper citation.
  • Medical, Legal, Tax, and Financial Information. The Library does not provide advice or interpretation of medical, legal, financial or tax information, nor does it recommend specific professionals, such as doctors or lawyers. Assistance in these areas is limited to directing patrons to Library resources and/or secondary reference sources such as specialized libraries or relevant government agencies. Tax forms will be available when distributed by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the Federal Government. Upon request, the Library provides printouts or tax schedules, but does not suggest which tax products are appropriate or which schedules are needed for a specific situation.
  • Patent and Trademark Research. Reference staff will not conduct patent or trademark searches. Patrons will be referred to obtain patent and trademark legal assistance offered by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
  • Technology Assistance. Assistance and guidance will be provided in the use of technology equipment, internet, as well as online information resources available in the Library. However, in-depth technical help is only available by appointment with the Technology Librarian. This support includes help with using eReaders, laptops, email, cell phones, and other personal devices. Services related to repairs, upgrades, or maintenance of computers or other devices will not be provided.
  • Translations. Staff does not offer translation services for entire documents. However, they can assist with translations of specific words or phrases using language dictionaries. Additionally, they may suggest print or online dictionaries and online translators for further assistance.

Full Policy PDF

The Nevins Library Trustees and library staff strive to make the Youth Services Areas of the Library a welcoming, safe, and fun place in our community where children are encouraged to develop a love of reading and learning. This policy is drafted for the protection and safety of families and children using the Library and to offer guidance to their accompanying parents, legal guardians and adult caregivers (These terms may be used interchangeably in this document.).

Parents, legal guardians and adult caregivers, please remember that the Library is a heavily-used public facility. The Nevins Library staff are not responsible for unattended children, nor are they able to monitor children and do not act “in loco parentis.” The responsibility for the safety and behavior of children rests solely with the parent, legal guardian, or adult caregiver. Nevins Library Behavior Guidelines apply to children and teens visiting the library, and attending programs. Children and teens are expected to follow directions given by Library staff. Children and teens who exhibit inappropriate behavior may be asked to leave the Library. If the child is unable to leave the Library without an adult, they should not be in the Library without an adult.

Adults must remain with children in grade 4 and under (Homeschool children are considered to be in the grade that corresponds with their age) during their library visit. A child can be left in the care of an older sibling if that sibling is at least 14 years old. This is especially important in large crowd situations that occur during events held in the library’s hall, outside on the library grounds and times of heavy use by the community.

Library staff reserve the right to contact community resources if unattended children frequent the Library during regular school hours.

The Nevins Library offers unfiltered Internet access as part of its informational services. Parents, legal guardians and adult caregivers are responsible for supervising their children’s usage of the Internet. We urge all adult caregivers to monitor their children’s usage on the Internet and to educate them regarding security and social etiquette while they are online.

Minors Attending Programs at the Library
The Nevins Library Trustees and staff cannot emphasize enough that a responsible adult needs to accompany children to the library for events, meetings and programs. Children attending preschool programs must always have an adult caregiver present in the library program space, and they are requested to be an active participant with their children.

School-aged children attending events at the library must have an adult present in the building for the duration of the program. Library staff reserve the right to ask an adult to remain in a program with their school aged child(ren) at any time. Children must be met at the end of the program by their adult caregiver. Parents are cautioned that library staff will not monitor children during events held in the library’s meeting rooms or outside on the library’s grounds.

Expectations for Minors Using the Library without an Adult Present
Children who are in grade 5 and above (Homeschool children are considered to be in the grade that corresponds with their age), may use the library unsupervised by an adult. These children are subject to the same rules and regulations governing behavior and use of the facility as teens and adults. Children must have the telephone number of their parent, legal guardian or another designated adult available to contact in the event of an emergency or unexpected closing.
Children and teens using the library who have become disruptive will be asked to stop the behavior. If the behavior continues after a second warning, the child may be asked to leave the library for the day and start off with a clean slate the following day. If the child is unable to leave the Library without an adult, they should not be in the Library without an adult. It is important that children and teens conduct themselves in a respectful fashion when they interact with staff and not disrupt other people using the library during their time at the library.

Anyone engaging in extremely disruptive behavior or vandalism will be asked to leave immediately. If a pattern of disruptive behavior in a child/teen or group of children/teens develops over several days or weeks, or if the library management has concern over a child or children who are regularly being left at the library for excessive periods of time, the Library Director reserves the right to contact parents or legal guardians who will be expected to resolve the situation. If the situation continues, the Library Director may contact the authorities.

Caregivers Attending Programs/Meetings, Researching at the Library, etc.
Caregivers attending adult programs or meetings at the library with children in grade 4 and under are expected keep their children with them at the event. This means the adult caregiver and the children present are able to see each other and the adult caregiver is able to communicate and supervise the children. Caregivers engaged in research may want to seek out a librarian’s advice and/or direction about the best location for balancing research and responsibility for the children.

Adults in Children’s Room/Teen Space and Programs
Library Staff will monitor adults unaccompanied by children utilizing the Children’s Room for appropriate usage of collections, materials, computers and program offerings. Adult users may be referred to other areas of the library dependent upon staff assessment. Inappropriate use of the computers located in the Children’s Room by teens and adults will result in limiting their computer privileges to the adult reference area. The Teen Space on the main floor of the Library is for use by teenagers, adults looking for a quiet space to study are encouraged to ask at any public service desk for guidance.

Adults unaccompanied by a child are not permitted to participate in Youth Service’s activities or programs designated solely for children/teens. Student teachers, teachers or library professionals may view Youth Services programming when permission has been secured by speaking with the Head of the Department or Library Director or designee prior to the event.

Expectations for Children
When the Library is Closing Library hours are regularly publicized and readily available to anyone who calls the Library or visits the website. Adults are expected to make arrangements to pick up children before the Library closes. However, if a minor (under the age of 14 years old) is left unattended when the Library closes, library staff will call the Methuen Police Department to care for the child(ren) until an adult arrives. Children aged 14 years and older will be encouraged to wait near the front entrance of the Library OR walk across the street to the Methuen Police Station if they feel more comfortable waiting inside a building.

Full Policy PDF


This policy establishes guidelines for the creation and use of Nevins Memorial Library social media sites for work-related purposes as a means of conveying the Library’s information to the public.

The Nevins Memorial Library (NML) has an overriding interest and expectation in deciding what is “spoken” on behalf of the Library on its social media sites.

In keeping with its mission to provide access to educational, informational, and community resources, the Nevins Memorial Library maintains social media accounts in addition to its website. As well as being informational, the Library’s social media offerings are intended to create a welcoming and inviting online space where Library users will find useful and entertaining information, and in some forums engage with Library staff and other users.

Social media content shall also adhere to all the applicable laws, regulations, and policies of the Library.

The Nevins Memorial Library welcomes the comments, posts, and messages of the community, and recognizes and respects differences in opinion. However, all comments, posts, and messages are subject to review, and the Nevins Memorial Library staff reserves the right to, but is not required to, remove any comment, post, or message that it deems inappropriate.

Content containing any of the following will be removed immediately from any Nevins Memorial Library social media forum:

  • Obscene comments or hate speech
  • Personal attacks, insults, or threatening language
  • Private or personal information, including phone numbers and addresses, or requests for personal information
  • Potentially libelous statements
  • Falsification of identity
  • Copyrighted, trademarked, or plagiarized material
  • Posts in violation of laws or Library policies
  • Comments, links, or information unrelated to the purpose of the forum
  • Duplicated posts by an individual user
  • Spam or other commercial, political, or proselytizing messages

The Library reserves the right to ban or block users who have posted in violation of this policy. In addition, users are expected to abide by the terms and conditions set by third-party social media platforms as well as follow appropriate Federal and State Law.

Social Media Platforms

The Nevins Memorial Library currently has accounts on several popular social media platforms. The Library will continue to grow its social media presence if new platforms arise that can be used for the dissemination of information about the Library itself, the community in which it resides, the Library field as a whole, or educational/informational/other content that the Library sees fit to communicate to the public.

Full Policy PDF

Tutors and students are welcome to use the Nevins Library to work together, but the Library accepts no responsibility for the tutors, students or any other individuals associated with these activities.  The Library is not responsible for the safety of children left in tutor’s care, the tutor and parents are solely responsible for the safety and behavior of the child(ren).  Tutors and students are required to comply with all Library regulations as well as all applicable law.

The Nevins Library is an institution that values and serves the educational needs of the community at large.  As such, it is often a magnet for those endeavoring to assist others in their educational pursuits.  The Library requests that tutors who come to use the facility as a meeting place with their charges or students be mindful of others in the vicinity who may want to have a quiet place to do their own work.  Tutors should cooperate with library staff in selecting a location to work which will minimize disruptions to other library patrons.

Because of the overwhelming number of tutors working in the building, whether Literacy Volunteers of Methuen or other private tutors, tutors may not reserve rooms ahead of time for their lessons.  If however, one sees that a room is vacant, the tutor may inquire at the public service desk on the floor of the room in question to see if it is available or not.  The staff will confirm the status of the room and then the tutor may be able to use this space for no longer than 2 hours maximum.  Tutors and students must vacate the rooms no later than 15 minutes prior to closing and the room should be left clean and tidy.

Classes and Courses

Courses sponsored by schools, colleges and other educational entities may be allowed under the Meeting Room Policy.  In the case of a formal course of instruction or multi-meeting class a meeting room can and should be booked in advance.  All of the rules and regulations found in the meeting room policy will apply and a full meeting room application form must be filed.

Full Policy PDF

The Nevins Memorial Library provides an unfiltered wireless Internet Hot Spot. This service is for patrons with Wireless-capable devices, such as wireless-capable laptops and handheld computers. This service is intended to be available during the normal operating hours of the library. However, the library cannot guarantee that wireless service will be available at any specific time.

Wireless networks are not secure and use is at the individual’s own risk. Virus, security and privacy protection are the responsibility of the patron and are not provided by the library.

The library is not responsible for any damage to data files, alteration to file systems, or functionality of the computer resulting from connecting to the wireless network.

The library is not responsible for damage, theft, loss of property, personal information, software or other personal property used in the library.

The library cannot guarantee Internet speed or quality of the connection.

The library does not supply electrical power for patron equipment. The patron is responsible for supplying charged batteries.  The Library keeps a small supply of chargers, check with Reference Librarian for availability.  Patrons will use these loaned chargers at their own risk.

The Wi-Fi connection cannot be used for illegal purposes, nor shall it be used in any way that violates library policies.